Integrating Fascia Research into Clinical Practice - webinar duo

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Integrating Fascia Research into Clinical Practice Webinar Duo: Registration

This is an MTAS-hosted event.
Join highly-regarded BC instructor/practitioner Cathy Ryan RMT for this practice-enhancing opportunity!

Cathy is a chapter contributor in Fascia, Function and Medical Applications (CDC Press 2020) and has had numerous fascia-related articles published in industry magazines. Including coverage of the International Fascia Research Congress for Massage Therapy Canada Magazine.

This course will explore the fundamentals of current fascial foundational science, evidence-informed clinical considerations and engage participants in knowledge translation and critical thinking for the purpose of facilitating better client outcomes.  It is my goal to make integrating fascia research fun, digestible and applicable to massage therapy practice.

  • What is the foundational science behind fascia?
  • What is the impact of fascial injury and dysfunction?
  • What are the basic types of myofascial techniques and outcomes? 
  • How does our work - work?
  • How do you incorporate current fascia research into your clinical practice to improve client outcomes?

Applying her 30+ years of evidence informed-massage therapy clinical experience, Cathy will endeavour to answer these and all of your pressing questions.

Two Thursdays - February 13 and 27
7:30pm - 9pm Sask. time
1.5 primary credits per session

Each session includes a live presentation with time for a live Q&A at the end.
Minimum 20 registrants required.

February 13:  Part 1 - Fascia Science Fundamentals

  • Structure and Function - what is it, what does it do and how does it do that?
  • Includes microanatomy, macroanatomy, physiology.

February 27: Part 2 - Dysfunction and Clinical Considerations

  • What is the impact of injury?
  • What can we do and how does what we do work?
  • Includes types of myofascial techniques/therapeutic loading and evidence-informed explanation.

Via Zoom - registrants will be sent the link closer to the event date.

**If you can't make it to the live events, register and you will receive the recordings to watch for a limited time at a later date**. (Literature review must be submitted to your file on the website in order to claim the credits for watching a recording.)

Registration fees include both sessions and are subject to GST
​(On February 1 rates increase by $10)

  • MTAS members: early-bird rate $100 
  • Non-members: early-bird rate $120

Open to all interested parties - feel free to share with your co-workers!


Payment by credit card through the secure payment portal, or send an e-transfer to (direct/auto deposit only, no security question).

You must click RETURN on the last page otherwise your registration will be rejected.